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王伟,1990年8月,安徽阜阳人,深圳北理莫斯科大学人工智能研究院教授,博士生导师,粤港澳情感智能与普适计算联合实验室副主任,深圳市海外高层次人才。博士毕业于大连理工大学,入选斯坦福大学John P.A.Ioannidis教授团队发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,澳门大学“濠江学者”,辽宁省心血管病影像医学重点实验室(北部战区总医院)特聘专家。在人工智能物联网、情感计算及其在智慧交通、健康监测、智慧农林方向进行了较系统、深入的研究,获得了国内外同行的广泛认可和跟踪研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目并参与科技部重点研发计划。在IEEE JSAC, TCBB, JBHI, TII, TNNLS, TITS, TBD, ACM TWEB, TKDD, TOIT, WWW, IJCAI, ACM MM等顶级期刊会议上,发表论文超过100篇,其中IEEE/ACM Transactions论文50篇,中科院1区论文40篇;两项工作被Nature Index和科学网等国内外媒体报道和转载;担任《中国计算机科学评论》主编,IEEE TITS Associate Editor,IEEE IOTJ Associate Editor, 重庆邮电大学学报编委,以及IEEE JBHI, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TCE, IEEE IOTJ, ACM TOIT, IEEE Sensor Journal,等多个国际SCI期刊专刊的(Leading) 客座编辑。担任IEEE SmartIoT 2014, QSHINE2023等多个国际会议TPC Co-Chair。




1. Editor in Chief, Chinese Computer Sciences Review, 2022-2027

2. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.11-

3. Associate Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.11-

4. Associate Editor:Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2021.3-

5. Associate Editor:PeerJ Computer Science, 2023.5-

6. Program Co-Chair of IEEE SmartIoT 2024

7. Program Co-Chair of ACM MM AMC-SME Workshop 2023

8. Program Co-Chair of EAI Qshine 2023


1. Xiaoyan Yuan(研究生), Wei Wang*, Xiaohe Li, Yuanting Zhang, Xiping Hu, and M. Jamal Deen. "CATransformer: A Cycle-Aware Transformer for High-Fidelity ECG Generation From PPG." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2024). ( IF: 6.7中科院一区)

2. Jian Chen(研究生), Yuzhu Hu, Lalit Garg, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Gautam Srivastava, and Wei Wang*. "Graph Enhanced Low-Resource ECG Representation Learning for Emotion Recognition Based on Wearable Internet of Things." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2024). ( IF: 8.2 ,中科院一区)

3. Yuhuan Lu(研究生), Wei Wang*, Rufan Bai, Shengwei Zhou, Lalit Garg, Ali Kashif Bashir, Weiwei Jiang, and Xiping Hu. "Hyper-relational interaction modeling in multi-modal trajectory prediction for intelligent connected vehicles in smart cites." Information Fusion 114 (2025): 102682. ( IF: 14.7 ,中科院一区)

4. Jian Chen(研究生), Li Zheng, Yuzhu Hu, Wei Wang*, Hongxing Zhang, and Xiping Hu. "Traffic flow matrix-based graph neural network with attention mechanism for traffic flow prediction." Information Fusion 104 (2024): 102146. ( IF: 14.7 ,中科院一区)

5. Jian Chen(研究生), Wei Wang*, Yuzhu Hu, Junxin Chen, Han Liu, and Xiping Hu. "TGCA-PVT: Topic-Guided Context-Aware Pyramid Vision Transformer for Sticker Emotion Recognition." In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 9709-9718. 2024. (CCF A)

6. Jian Chen(研究生), Yuzhu Hu, Qifeng Lai, Wei Wang*, Junxin Chen, Han Liu, Gautam Srivastava, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Xiping Hu. "IIFDD: Intra and inter-modal fusion for depression detection with multi-modal information from Internet of Medical Things." Information Fusion 102 (2024): 102017. ( IF: 14.7 ,中科院一区)

7. Kai Fang, Junxin Chen, Han Zhu, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Xiaoping Wu, and Wei Wang*. "Explainable-AI-based two-stage solution for WSN object localization using zero-touch mobile transceivers." Science China Information Sciences 67.7 (2024): 170302. ( IF: 7.3, 中科院一区, CCF A)

8. Qiankun Li, Yimou Wang, Yani Zhang, Zhaoyu Zuo, Junxin Chen, and Wei Wang. "Fuzzy-ViT: A Deep Neuro-Fuzzy System for Cross-Domain Transfer Learning from Large-scale General Data to Medical Image." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (2024). ( IF: 9.7 ,中科院一区)

9. Han Liu, Siyang Zhao, Xiaotong Zhang, Feng Zhang, Wei Wang, Fenglong Ma, Hongyang Chen, Hong Yu, and Xianchao Zhang. "Liberating Seen Classes: Boosting Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Text Classification via Anchor Generation and Classification Reframing." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, no. 17, pp. 18644-18652. 2024. (CCF A)

10. Han Liu, Changya Li, Xiaotong Zhang, Feng Zhang, Wei Wang, Fenglong Ma, Hongyang Chen, Hong Yu, and Xianchao Zhang. "Depression Detection via Capsule Networks with Contrastive Learning." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, no. 20, pp. 22231-22239. 2024. (CCF A)

11. Han Liu, Haotian Gao, Xiaotong Zhang, Changya Li, Feng Zhang, Wei Wang, Fenglong Ma, and Hong Yu. SEPTQ: A Simple and Effective Post-Training Quantization Paradigm for Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2025.(CCF A)

12. Hailin Feng, Qing Li, Wei Wang, Ali Kashif Bashir, Amit Kumar Singh, Jinshan Xu, and Kai Fang. "Security of target recognition for UAV forestry remote sensing based on multi-source data fusion transformer framework." Information Fusion 112 (2024): 102555.( IF: 14.7 ,中科院一区)

13. Jijing Cai, Tongcun Liu, Tingting Wang, Hailin Feng, Kai Fang, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Wei Wang. "Multi-Source Fusion Enhanced Power-Efficient Sustainable Computing for Air Quality Monitoring." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2024). ( IF: 8.2 ,中科院一区)

14. Wentian Cai, Yijiang Li, Yandan Chen, Jing Lin, Zihao Huang, Ping Gao, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Wei Wang, and Ying Gao. "Enhancing Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Multi-label Contrastive Learning and LLM Features Guidance." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2024). ( IF: 6.7中科院一区)

15. Junchao Yuan, Lina Wang, Tingting Wang, Ali Kashif Bashir, Maryam M. Al Dabel, Jiaxing Wang, Hailin Feng, Kai Fang, and Wei Wang. "YOLOv8-RD: High-Robust Pine Wilt Disease Detection Method Based on Residual Fuzzy YOLOv8." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (2024).( IF: 6.7中科院二区)